How to make a claim
If you break down in the UK, call: 0800 169 1672 or 01277 235 719
If you’re deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired and require assistance, text your full name and registration number to +44 (0) 7537 404890
If you break down in Europe, call: +44 1277 235719
Car Insurance
Call the UK based claim line which is open 24 hours a day 365 days a year.
For Royal & Sun Alliance polices, call:
0330 041 6180
(9.00am-5.00pm Monday to Friday)
For ERS polices, please call:
0330 123 5992
For Glass helplines:
UK: 0800 096 3456
Europe: 0330 041 6180
For Motor legal protection
Refer to the policy booklet for helpline telephone numbers.
We have a quick and simple claims service
- Round the clock dedicated claims hotline
- Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
What to do in the event of an accident
If you are involved in an accident then you must:
- Stop at the scene for a reasonable period
- Give the following details to anyone who has reasonable grounds to ask:
- Vehicle’s registration number
- Your name & address
- If different to you, the name & address of the registered owner
- If injury is caused to another person you must produce your certificate of insurance either to any other person or to the police
- The accident should be reported to the police within 24 hours.
You should also comply with the above even if you were not directly involved in the accident but the presence of your vehicle on the road may have been a factor in the accident. If you are driving overseas please ensure you follow the rules for the country you are driving in. In some European countries i.e. Germany it can be an offence to leave the scene of the accident before the police have arrived.
You will need an open referral from your GP to attend a consultation. If you are in your first 2 years of membership you will also need a GP report to confirm your claim isn’t for a pre-existing condition*.
It is important you contact the Forces Mutual Claims Service, which is run by Healix Health, to request authorisation to attend a consultation by calling 0208 049 8387. Members requiring treatment in Northern Ireland please refer to your welcome letter for claims contact details.
Once agreed, the Forces Mutual Claims Service will transfer you through to a booking line or arrange the appointment directly at one of the approved hospitals to arrange the appointment.
Where treatment is required, you should contact the Forces Mutual Claims Service to request authorisation for the recommended treatments or tests on 0208 049 8387 or email
Once a claim is authorised, you will be informed about paying a member contribution directly to the provider. The authorisation letter will be emailed or posted to you. Treatment can then be received at an approved Clinic or Hospital that the Forces Mutual Claims service propose.
If no treatment is required at or following the appointment with the Specialist, or the procedure or operation suggested is not within the definition of treatment then no further action is necessary and no further Benefits will be payable.
If you have a query relating to your membership details then please call 0151 363 5290.
*A pre-existing condition is any medical condition that you were aware of, or ought reasonably to be aware of prior to joining the scheme, even if medical advice has not yet been sought. For the pre-existing condition to be eligible for cover you will need to have had a period of five years without medical attention for it.
Kit Insurance
Call 0344 856 2151
For legal expenses claims call: 0333 333 1472
If you make a claim you will need to provide:
- Policy number
- The date of the incident
- The cause of the loss or damage
- Details of the loss or damage together with item value if known
- Names and addresses of any other parties involved or responsible for the incident (including details of injuries) and addresses of any witnesses
This information will enable the insurer to make an initial evaluation on policy liability and claim value. They may, however, request additional information depending upon the circumstances of your claim.
Please check your policy wording for specific claim details.
Personal Accident Insurance
Call 0151 363 5290
When an accident occurs you will need to provide:
- Policy number
- The date of the incident
- The cause and details of the loss or damage
- Names and addresses of any other parties involved or responsible for the incident (including details of injuries) and addresses of any witnesses
This information will enable the insurer to make an initial evaluation on policy liability and claim value. They may, however, request additional information depending upon the circumstances of your claim.
Please check your policy wording for specific claim details.
Travel Insurance
Call 0151 363 5290
If you need to make a claim, check your policy schedule and policy wording to see whether the loss or damage is covered and if any specific evidence is required.