• Use your Investment ISA allowance to invest tax-free from £20 a month, lump sums from £100, or a combination of both.
  • Once you have set up My Sovereign Investment (ISA) you can cash in or raise, lower, stop and restart payments at any time.
  • Provided you haven’t made any withdrawals, on the 10th anniversary of the start date of your investment, you are guaranteed to get back at least as much as you have invested.
  • Your money will be invested in a My Sovereign Investment (ISA) within a Scottish Friendly ISA which buys units in the Scottish Friendly Unitised With-Profits fund which may include stock market, property, cash and bond assets.
  • The ISA allowance for the current tax year is £20,000
  • Keep track of your investment online using the Scottish Friendly ‘My Plans’ online service
  • Available to Serving, Retired, Ex-Forces, Reserves, Families, Contractors and Support Organisations

My Sovereign Investment (ISA) is provided by Scottish Friendly Assurance Society Limited. Visit our legal page for further details.

Product Guide

Here are some frequently asked questions about the My Sovereign Investment (ISA):

These products are arranged and administered by PMGI Limited trading as Forces Mutual, more information is available on our legal page.